Hertfordshire Bahá'í

Let your vision be world embracing

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Chris’s Story

I follow a Faith that accepts all other major religions as part of the progressive unfolding of God's divine plan. This meant I did not have to relinquish my Catholic upbringing but was able to take it to a new level. Having done this, the vibrancy of the Bahá'í Faith keeps this excitement alive.
I have so many chances to serve the Faith in so many ways and never get left with the feeling that I'm not an expert therefore I can't get involved. For me, being a Bahá'í is being involved in the world I live in and wanting see the world and the people in it smiling. I love to work with children and young people and the Bahá'í Faith
puts them right at the front of our world as its most precious, most wonderful citizens, the burning coals that will ignite with the fire of God's love. Working with children and young people keeps me optimistic and excited. I am always kept in mind of my favourite quote from the Faith.


Chris’s choice from the Bahá’í writings

. . . The Great Being saith: Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom. . .

Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh